Monday, September 13, 2010

Like Rubberband

Let's start off with a heavy thought to burden our minds.
Intention is what matters in the end rather than the outcome that is being projected in the form of words or actions. She once said. True.

Did a lot of thinking, on many things, as usual, but more frequently, recently.
After assuming, but upon comparing, then justifying from different points of view, finally one learns, realises, understands, accepts in cases where the fact isn't of what one expected, and lastly one grows.
In between, uncomfortness pours in.
Blaming is much easier, because it directs all responsibility away from oneself. One feels better thinking that others are the ones who are not being right.
But as one replays a situation, putting oneself in different shoes of all the subjects involved, including one ownself, one calms down, rethinks, and things aren't that bad after all. And that one is certainly of responsibility too. No escape please miss!
Still a long way to fully understand myself, rejudging my actions from time to time, with hope that I grow into that someone whom I will like when judging from a third persona's view.
Hoping, wishing.

Let's recapture those feathery flashbacks, of light and delightful moments.
Went for cats and dogs with lixin, yeeting, sokmin, weiyie, & yvonne. Shiklin & mienyuh can't make it le.
Kitty Gallore, a bit terrifying. Imagine that layer of ruffled skin as u peel the shell of a hard boiled egg but haven't reach the white yet, except that this kitty's is of bloody pink. The kitty's skin. O! and without a single fur or hair. Bald. o.O
The hospital themed cafe, heartbeat that we intended to go is still not opened, so station one we switched to.

Ah ma's old cucumber soup was yummy, my dinner and supper.
Xiaopengyou, glad that u gained access to the journals finally le!
Time for us to start work tonight, hi-5 from peninsular!
Hey, and is studying abroad in countries with four seasons really boosts meat growth? U gain weight! From ur face in that pic.

Just like a rubberband, I reach a full circle.

Appreciated and well treasured. (:

p/s: to wood tech-kee tian, archi-kee ni and food tech-kee ling, enjoy holidays gaogao! Let us be happy happy before going back to penang island!

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