Monday, May 30, 2011

Constantly changing.

Whenever the seat belt sign on the airplane is turned on, I'll take deep breaths and have my fingers crossed.
I dislike turbulence.
(Don't get me wrong, other than that, nothing is wrong with boarding an airplane.)
Yes indeed, I'm the kid who grows old without favouring roller coasters.

Changes, one of the few constants in life.

Everyone around and even myself is going through a series of changes recently.
Even the unalive curtains at home is being changed, for the very first time in more than ten years.
Truth be told, I like the previous print better.
(although I'm held responsible for this current one :P)
I'll bear in mind that only positive changes are worked upon for those within the control of my conscious mind.

p/s: Kienyunggorgor, I still dislike that car ekzos of yours which is being modified.