Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Brain Train.

She uprooted the whole papaya tree. WOW.

It's always amusing to discover what a normal human being is capable of doing. That's why we have Ripley's Believe It Or Not. It's always beyond expectations.

I guess mental strength is all one needs to drive one's potential physical capabilities.

Bersemangat terkobar-kobar now. Hahaha.

I'll use my mental strength to suppress my urge to finish up all ten of that caramel filled, crispy biscuit bottomed, milk chocolate encrusted Twix bars. Germany, screw u for producing chocolates! LOL.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Supporting hands from behind.

I went on semester break, so does my blog, poorly abandoned, poor thing.
My recent two weeks are spent on book ordering, which went slightly out of my expectations.
Never did I expect another seller.
Never did I expect low ordering numbers.
Never did I expect raised price from what being negotiated earlier on due to low ordering numbers which roots from the appearance of that another seller.
Never did I expect this much racism.

Hopefully everything runs smoothly, ordered forms are in my hands. These are the ones who trusted me. I couldn't let them down. Awful feeling.

For a leader, supports from peers and other leaders are crucial to make you perform at your peak.
This is so true. Crucial indeed, because it is the motivation you need to push you forward, to continue giving out your best.

Yup, I'm no giving up, yet.